Course curriculum

    1. Course Information

    2. Table of Contents

    3. Learning Objectives and Outcomes

    4. Download Course Notes

    5. Course Audio File on the Physiologic Effects of Water and Hydrotherapy

    1. Importance of Water

    2. Water's Physical Properties

    3. Surface Tension

    4. Buoyancy

    5. Physiologic Effects of Water and Hydrotherapy: Ch.2. Quiz

    1. Chemistry of the Body

    2. Electrolytes

    3. Body Fluids

    4. Human body temperature control

    5. Physiologic Effects of Water and Hydrotherapy: Ch.3. Quiz

    1. Physiological Effects

    2. Exposure to Heat

    3. Therapeutic Forms of Conductive Heating

    4. Therapeutic Use of Convective Heating

    5. Therapeutic Use of Conversion Heating

    6. Effects of Hot Applications

    7. Physiologic Effects of Water and Hydrotherapy: Ch.4. Quiz

    1. Localized and Reflexive Effects Of Hydrotherapy

    2. Localized Effects of Hot and Cold Applications

    3. Increase or Decrease

    4. Cold versus Heat Therapy

    5. Effects of Cold Applications

    6. Cryotherapy

    7. Cold Applications

    8. Cold Compress

    9. Contrast Applications

    10. Physiologic Effects of Water and Hydrotherapy: Ch.5. Quiz

    1. Blood Movement with Hydrotherapy

    2. Revulsive Effect

    3. Derivative Effect

    4. Spinal Cord Reflex

    5. Arterial Trunk Reflex

    6. Collateral Circulation Effect

    7. Conclusion

    8. Physiologic Effects of Water and Hydrotherapy: Ch.6. Quiz

    9. Sources

    10. End of Course Survey

About this course

  • $15.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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