Course curriculum

    1. Course Information

    2. Table of Contents

    3. Learning Objective and Outcomes

    4. Download Course Notes

    5. Course Audio File on Professional Ethics

    1. Definitions

    2. National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) Code of Ethics

    3. American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) Code of Ethics

    4. Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) Code of Ethics

    5. U.S. Massage Therapy Association Code of Ethics:

    6. Professional Ethics: Ch.2. Quiz

    1. National Certification Board Standards of Practice

    2. Standard I: Professionalism

    3. Standard II: Legal and Ethical Requirements

    4. Standard III: Confidentiality

    5. Standard IV: Business Practices

    6. Standard V: Roles and Boundaries

    7. Standard VI: Prevention of Sexual Misconduct

    8. NCBTMB Patient’s Bill of Rights

    9. Professional Ethics: Ch.3 Quiz

    1. Working in the Industry

    2. Work Status

    3. Taxes

    4. Business Structures

    5. Traveling to your client

    6. The Job Interview

    7. Marketing

    8. Professional Ethics: Ch.4 Quiz

    1. Professionalism

    2. Being Prepared

    3. Personal Appearance

    4. Communication Skills

    5. Maintenance of client confidentiality

    6. Professional Ethics. Ch. 5. Quiz

    1. Client Intake Process

    2. Indications and Contraindications

    3. Endangerment Areas

    4. Draping

    5. Session Highlights

    6. Body Mechanics & Ergonomics

    7. FORM A: Evaluation of Massage

    8. Form B: Session Awareness

    9. Professional Ethics. Ch.6. Quiz

    10. Sources

    11. End of Course Survey

About this course

  • $15.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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