Course curriculum

    1. Course Information

    2. Table of Contents

    3. Learning Objective and Outcomes

    4. Download Course Notes

    5. Course Audio File on Injuries, Inflammation, and Assessment

    1. Musculoskeletal Wear & Tear

    2. Neuromuscular Response To Injury

    3. Common Locations of Musculoskeletal Conditions

    4. Client Assessment

    5. Injuries, Inflammation, and Assessment: Ch.2. Quiz

    1. Connective Tissue Types

    2. Molecular Structure of Connective Tissue

    3. Connective Tissue Cells

    4. Connective Tissue Fibers

    5. Injuries, Inflammation, and Assessment: Ch.3. Quiz

    1. Properties of Fascia (A)

    2. Properties of Fascia (B)

    3. Injury or Overuse

    4. Overused Muscles and Chronic Injuries

    5. Injuries, Inflammation, and Assessment: Ch.4. Quiz

    1. Tissue Injuries

    2. Inflammation Following An Injury

    3. Characteristics of Inflammation

    4. Cellular Activity

    5. Injuries, Inflammation, and Assessment: Ch.5. Quiz

    1. Stages of Healing: Acute

    2. Stages of Healing: Subacute

    3. Stages of Healing: Chronic

    4. Injuries, Inflammation, and Assessment: Ch.6. Quiz

About this course

  • $15.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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