Course curriculum

    1. Course Information

    2. Table of Contents

    3. Learning Objective and Outcomes

    1. Glossary of Terms

    2. What Is Human Trafficking?

    3. Demographics

    4. Labor Trafficking

    5. Sex Trafficking

    6. Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking

    7. How To Report Cases Of Human Trafficking

    8. Getting Help For Suspected Victims of Human Trafficking

    9. Asking For Help In Different Languages

    10. Human Trafficking: Ch.2. Quiz

    1. Federal Government and Human Trafficking

    2. Trafficking In Persons Report

    3. The Palermo Protocol

    4. Presidential Initiative

    5. Federal Agencies

    6. Human Trafficking: Ch.3. Quiz

    1. Human Trafficking - Florida

    2. Know The Signs & Report The Crimes!

    3. Florida Initiatives (A)

    4. Florida Initiatives (B)

    5. Florida Statutes

    6. Florida Massage Establishments

    7. Designated Establishment Manager

    8. Sources

    9. Human Trafficking: Ch.4. Quiz

    10. End of Course Survey

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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