Course curriculum

    1. Course Information

    2. Table of Contents

    3. Learning Objective and Outcomes

    4. Download Course Notes

    5. Course Audio File On Florida Laws and Rules

    1. Division of Medical Quality Assurance

    2. MQA Bureau of Enforcement

    3. Maintain Credentials In Full Swing

    4. Chapter 480.033 Definitions.

    5. Board of Massage Therapy

    6. Board Authority

    7. Florida Laws and Rules (10 CE Hours). Ch. 2. Quiz

    1. Massage Therapist Qualifications for Licensure

    2. Licensure by Endorsement

    3. Colonic Irrigation Certification

    4. Massage Therapist Licensure Renewal

    5. First License Renewal

    6. Second License Renewal

    7. Massage Therapist Initial Licensure Fees

    8. Massage Therapist Licensure Renewal Fees

    9. Florida Laws and Rules (10 CE Hours): Ch.3. Quiz

    1. Massage Therapist License Status (A)

    2. Massage Therapist License Status (B)

    3. Massage Establishment Licensure

    4. Massage Establishment Personnel and Safety

    5. Documentation and Identification

    6. Human Trafficking Awareness

    7. Florida Laws and Rules (10 CE Hours): Ch.4. Quiz

    1. Disciplinary Action by the Board

    2. Penalties, Fines, Citations

    3. Applicants with Criminal or Disciplinary History

    4. Fingerprinting and Background Screening

    5. Restricting or Preventing The Practice of Massage Therapy

    6. Applicants Health History

    7. Draping and Breast Massage

    8. Florida Laws and Rules (10 CE Hours): Ch.5. Quiz

    1. Florida Massage Therapy Schools

    2. Health Care Fraud

    3. APPENDIX A: Massage Apprenticeship Requirements

    4. Sources

    5. End of Course Survey

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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