Course curriculum

    1. Course Information

    2. Table of Contents

    3. Learning Objectives and Outcomes

    4. Download Course Notes

    5. Course Audio File of Business Practices

    1. NCBTMB Standard IV: Business Practices

    2. Working in the Industry

    3. AMTA Industry Survey

    4. Employee vs. Independent Contractor

    5. Sole Proprietorship

    6. Partnerships

    7. Corporations

    8. Limited Liability Corporation

    9. Business Practices: Ch.2. Quiz

    1. Traveling to your client

    2. The Job Interview

    3. Marketing

    4. Using the World Wide Web

    5. Emailing your clients

    6. Professionalism

    7. Your Appearance

    8. Communication Skills

    9. Privileged Information

    10. Business Practices: Ch.3. Quiz

    11. References

    12. End of Course Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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